Imperivm Romanvm is a reconstructionist organization dedicated to the study and restoration of Roman identity. We are not role-players or neopagans. We take our research seriously and consult scholarly and academic resources for our information.
If you have any other questions for us, you can find us on Reddit, Instagram, Twitter, or drop us an email. However, you'll find us most active on our Discord server, Imperium Romanum, a link to which can be found at the bottom.
We are Neo Romans, people who have willingly chose to adopt the lifestyle and customs of the Roman peoples from centuries or even millennia ago. We assert we are legitimately Romans through our emulations of and adherence to ritual and tradition. This is not some kind of game to us. We are sincere in our convictions.
We are a distinct and separate group. Many of our founding members were once members of Nova Roma. We found that other Neo-Roman/Roman Restorationist groups acted slowly and were outdated. We also were not comfortable with the discriminary actions of other groups and the way some groups acted with unfair prejudice and intolerance toward certain individuals/groups. Therefore we decided it was best that Neo Romans had an alternative. The Imperivm Romanvm spawned out of this need.
None at all, and we never will. Supremacists and their cesspools of members have no understanding of the history they claim to champion. They use antiquity as a facade to give their bigotry a false level of ancient pedigree. They are not welcome here. The Imperivm does not discriminate and is open to every race and creed.
Absolutely. Many of our founding members are LGBT+ and a class of priestesses here known as the galli are exclusively trans women. One need only have a casual knowledge of the Greco-Roman canon to see the prototype of LGBT+ identity in their pages.
The goal of Imperivm Romanvm is to preserve and promote the Romanitas, the embodiment of Roman identity. We feel the best way to achieve this is through the construction and inhabitance of a 'new' Rome, specifically a Third Rome.